Last week our #ERSs Johan Samuel Romero Peña and Danaisy Prado Alvarez defended their doctoral thesis obtaining the maximum qualification. From the #WaveComBE project we thank them for their hard work and dedication. We wish them all the best in their future projects! Congratulations! 👏

👨‍🎓 PhD. Johan Samuel Romero Peña, “Human Body scattering effects at millimeter waves frequencies for future 5G systems and beyond.” Dir. Narcís CardonaUniversitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Grade of Excellent and the Cum Laude award.

👩‍🎓 PhD. Danaisy Prado Alvarez, “Study of feasible cell-free massive MIMO systems in realistic indoor scenarios.” Dir. Jose F. Monserrat; Dir. David Martín-SacristánUniversitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Grade of Excellent and the Cum Laude award.

#mmwave #5G #MIMO